03 Nov 2023

Meet the epitome of grace and charm, our crowned Mr. and Mrs. Gretsa University! With poise and charisma that lit up the stage, they triumphed as the shining stars of our modeling event, embodying the spirit of Gretsa elegance.But the runway was not just theirs to conquer. A heartfelt applause to all the participants who graced the stage with style and confidence. Each strut and pose showcased not only fashion finesse but the diversity of talent within our Gretsa community.

From the fierce catwalk to the radiant smiles, our participants turned the event into a spectacle of beauty, creativity, and self-expression. Their dedication and passion for the art of modeling left an indelible mark on our hearts.In the world of fashion, they are all winners — a collective embodiment of Gretsa's spirit, where individuality and uniqueness shine. To our crowned Mr. and Mrs. Gretsa University and every participant, you are all stars in our Gretsa galaxy, leaving us with memories of a night filled with glamour and exuberance. Cheers to the models who made our event truly unforgettable!